tbvs - das Tiefbauverwaltungssystem - installation instructions

tbvs is easy and fast installable. You will find continuative hints for installing of the program system and its components in the wiki


Installation of the server

Installation using Debian Linux

You need the root account to install the server software. This manual shows you how to install the version 1.1 of tbvs. Where appropriate you have to change the version number (in this case '1.1').

Installation of the components of the operating system (LAMP = Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP)

su apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server php5-mysql

Change the directory to the data directory of the apache web server

cd /var/www

Get the newest version of tbvs - in this case the version 1.1

wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/tbvs/Production/tbvs-1.1.tar.gz?use_mirror=mesh

Install the files in the www-directory

cd /var/www
tar xvf tbvs-1.1.tar.gz
chmod a+r tbvs-1.1 -R
rm tbvs
ln -s tbvs-1.1 tbvs
chmod a+r tbvs -R
chmod a+rw tbvs/files -R
chmod a+rw tbvs/tmp -R

If you are using a firewall then you have to free the ports 80 (http) and 3306 (MySQL).

Start an internet browser and make sure that JavaScript is enabled. Point with the browser on the directory of tbvs by calling localhost://tbvs. Click on the link which redirects you to the patch tool. Follow the instructions of the patch tool and type in the root password when it claims it.

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installation of a regular client

The regular client does not need special preperations. It is enough to have an internet browser which is able to access the tbvs-directory of the web server. Before that you have to create a new user with password in tbvs.

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Installation of a mobile client

The mobile client needs the same Installation as the server.

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